The show, called The Cuckoo's Nest, will feature a few cuckoo songs and other works by artists like Hazel Dickens, Shirley Collins, Ola Belle Reed, Bert Jansch, Paul Brady, Alasdair Roberts, Andy Irvine, Espers, Mellow Candle, and even a bit of early Palace. The common denominator is the link to the very old music of the British Isles.
So I testify: I didn't realize how much I missed good radio during the seven years each I lived in Birmingham, Alabama, and Baltimore--radio wasteland, 'alternative' stations obviously spinning for grease, obviously doling out mandatory playlists, repeating tunes until you want to vomit--until I moved back to Charlottesville.
WTJU is my constant companion. True freeform radio. Listen live or explore archives. Try an archived edition of The Broadcasting System with Tyler Magill. Or an edition of The Early Music show. Those two shows both air on Mondays, and I hate to miss them.
And please do tune in on Wednesday 2 May 2012 at 8pm to 91.1 WTJU.